Where is Morocco located?
Do you want to know where is Morocco located in the world map? Well, Morocco is located in the african continent. Even in Africa Morocco is in the northern hemisphere. Morocco is located in North-West Africa. It is bordered to the north by the Strait of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea, to the south by Mauritania, to the east by Algeria and to the west by the Atlantic Ocean. In the pictures beside you can see where Morocco is located in the world map and in Africa:

The Moroccan coast extends over 3500 km.
– Area: 710. 850 km2.
– Two sea fronts: Atlantic: 2.934Km, Mediterranean: 512Km.
– Climate with Mediterranean, Atlantic and desert dominance in the South.
– Main mountain ranges: Rif, High, Middle and Anti-Atlas, Ouarkziz.
– Main rivers: Loukkos, Sebou, Bouregreg, Moulouya, Drâa, Oum Rbia, Souss, Tensift, Ziz.
The variety of Moroccan landscapes is rich. We go from the summits to the plains, from the greenest vegetation to the most complete aridity.
The reliefs and the geography
Plains and mountains:
Seen from the sky, Morocco, set between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, unrolls from East to West a long mountainous strip and then sinks south into the sand to the borders with Mauritania. The landscapes are multiple and breathtaking: vertiginous snow-covered peaks of the High Atlas, steep and gullied massifs of the Rif, dense forests of oaks and cedars of the central plateau, fertile plains of the Meseta, arid lands of the high plateaus, semi-desert steppes and lush oases of the Souss basin, sand dunes of the Sahara.
Protected areas:
The different types of habitat have shaped diverse cultures that have enriched the identity of Morocco. The variety of reliefs is such that the traveler can find his happiness in all seasons. When the snow blocks the roads of the Atlas Mountains, seaside activities are still possible in the Great South.
Fauna and flora
To each territory corresponds an endemic flora and fauna, today protected in a spirit of sustainable tourism development. Gazelles, eagles, mouflons, and fennecs are not rare and it is easy to observe their way of life. Morocco, a sacred nature… Morocco offers such a geographical diversity that one can leave one morning the beautiful beaches of Agadir to find oneself in the afternoon at the foot of the ski slopes of Oukaimeden, before going back down to enjoy a sweet evening in the palm grove of Marrakech.
Moroccan Climatology
The dominant climate in Morocco is Mediterranean; temperate to the west and north by the Atlantic Ocean. Inland, the climate is more continental with wide temperature variations. The Atlas Mountains are humid, with frequent snowfall. The South has a desert climate.
Morocco is a subtropical country on the western edge of the African continent. In summer, it suffers the conditions of the hot arid zone, while in winter it belongs to the cool and humid temperate zone.
The average annual rainfall varies from 500 to 2,000 mm in the wettest area in the northwest under the Atlantic influence. 200 to 1.000 mm in the West and Center, subject to the Atlantic influence. 100 to 200 mm in the eastern part of the country, and less than 100 mm in the south of the country.